Playing Dress Up

Playing Dress Up
Brenna wearing Mama's hat.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Another awesome day!

Today has been another great day. At noon I met with the two young professionals who are designing the web site. What they have done is awesome and I couldn't have asked for anything better. They aren't ready to publish on the site yet as they are still gathering information. Check it out in two weeks. By then, they should have it ready for viewing.

The Taskmaster found and these two young women took on the task of web design. I am grateful to, but especially to Jessica and Jen, for all the work they are putting into the site. They will have not only the web site but a FB and Twitter account that goes along with it.

My heart jumped when I saw across the site a  thought I had given Jessica last week. I continue to be amazed by their talent and expertise, but most of all, for reading Brenna's journey, feeling the pain, and accepting the mission to do their part to bring change to brain injury recovery.

As I get ready to leave on the journey to DC, please keep me and the old motorhome in your prayers, along with one aging dog who finds it difficult to get up the steps and a lively pup!

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