Playing Dress Up

Playing Dress Up
Brenna wearing Mama's hat.

Friday, August 3, 2012

God is good

God is so good.  When I felt so lost and wondered what to do about Condemned to Die: Ask me how. Tell me why., how could I get to where I needed to be, my shoulders felt like they were carrying a ton. I wanted her story to make a difference. I just didn't have an idea how to do that.

Then as I sat here at the computer almost a month ago, God led my fingers to search for someone who COULD do what was so overwhelming to me. On the 4th of July, I found the answer in a very special person who does not usually handle books and authors.

God led me to look for a specialist who knew what I needed to do and could develop a plan on getting there. A team is now in place. My burden is gone.

Look for the announcement of a brand new web site, Facebook page, and a micro-site within Facebook. It is coming soon. The good people at are on board. They do an awesome job. Please check them out.

I know those who have followed my journey through these months have been worried about me. I was restless and my mind was running willy-nilly, trying to figure out on my own what to do. I was so busy running, I wasn't listening to God. I couldn't hear his voice over my frustration. I knew better than that!

The answer was so simple. I had to let God know I had stopped running and was waiting to hear from him what he wanted me to do.

Last night as I was talking to a friend about all these plans and how God had helped me along when I stopped to hear him, I noticed the LED candles by Brenna's urn were out. I never like them to go out, but before I could put in the batteries, the light on the side of her good eye began to flicker. I knew then that my little girl was happy to see the progress in her mother's life and with the book.

I will share more good news Monday evening. Keep watching.

God bless and keep.

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