Playing Dress Up

Playing Dress Up
Brenna wearing Mama's hat.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Twitter!!!! Tweet!!! Tweet on Twitter.

Do I ever have a lot to learn!

Twitter!!!!  Tweet!!! Tweet on Twitter.

I really am trying at my advanced stage in life to learn new things. Twitter is one of those, but I think I will need a new phone. My $14 ATT phone just isn't going to do the job. And I have not figured out how to get past signing up on Twitter.

I have Brenna's Iphone, smart phone, or whatever it is called. I can't get it to recharge right now. Perhaps being off for 26 months is a good reason it is being stubborn and not charging. I could never figure out the phone before she got sick and now...well, now, her poor old decrepit mother will have to figure it out. With the book tour coming up, I need to have this mastered. Has anyone written a book on Smart Phone for Dummies? Twitter, tweet for Dummies?

I do have a user name on Twitter. While talking to my friend, Virginia, I decided to try CondemnedBrenna, in honor of Brenna's book, Condemned to Die: Ask me how. Tell me why. AND, I will remember that better than some of the suggestions Twitter gave me.

So, for now, the twitter user name is CondemnedBrenna, but I have no clue where to go from here. You can tweet me on twitter and I may twitter back if I ever find my way back to the twitter page. Or maybe I'll just have to be content to flitter.

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