Playing Dress Up

Playing Dress Up
Brenna wearing Mama's hat.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Eastward Bound

Plans are moving forward to that day when I will head East toward Washington, DC. I plan to travel I80 until I get to IA. Then, I head NE to WI and Northern MI, swinging down through central MI and back to I80. After leaving Washington, DC, I will make a southern tour, heading back to Idaho.

I will have copies of Condemned to Die: Ask me how. Tell me why. with me. This is Brenna’s valiant journey to succeed in a medical society that doomed her to failure. But she showed them. She took her steps. She made her noises. She even said, “Maum”. Those are cherished memories.

Along the way, I will meet families who daily face the same struggles I did with Brenna. I plan to video families and hear their stories of recovery and rehabilitation of patients with a hypoxic-anoxic brain injury.

Congress needs to see faces, needs to hear the success stories. If no one is tracking HAI patients, then the government needs to change direction. HAI brains cannot be wasted. HAI patients cannot continue to be warehoused. We move forward that they might live.

We need change. When I lost my beloved Brenna, I knew that I must do whatever I could to bring change. To have Congress recognize how important it is for us to have the same chance at rehabilitation and recovery as other injuries.

My little girl would not expect her mother to sit quietly with the knowledge I gained over her 16 months’ fight to win.

For my little Brenna, nothing less than victory.

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