Playing Dress Up

Playing Dress Up
Brenna wearing Mama's hat.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Families who face a crisis with a loved one who suffers a brain injury have to contend with medical professionals who continually fluff off family observations as if they were nothing.

Who knows and understands the patient? Who knows every little nuance of the patient's personality? Not medical professionals who see only brief glimpses of the patient! Not medical professionals who know that if they acknowledge the little things families see that their work is going to get harder! Not medical professionals who may have years before served a one-month round on the neurology floor of the hosptial! Not medical professionals who haven't trained on any level to be a brain injury rehabilitation specialist! Certainly not medical professionals who base their ill-informed decisions on out-of-date studies!

Who best knows the patient? FAMILY.

Family observations trump medical professionals every time.
Or it should.

BTW: When it comes to brain rehabilitation, there haven't been any new peer-reviewed, published studies in the last 25 years. Insurance companies can't find them to make their policies on treatment. If insurance companies can't find them with all their money, then how can we, the family  members find them.

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