Playing Dress Up

Playing Dress Up
Brenna wearing Mama's hat.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Condemned to Die: Ask me how. Tell me why:

Look for the release date in two weeks. The book is at the printers right now and should be available for purchase at WestBow The Kindle version will be later as that depends on Amazon and their scheduling.

Brenna's story was a living example as to why this country desperately needs health care change. So many parts of the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act would have been beneficial to her, would have given her better health care than was available to her without a supplemental health insurance plan.

In her honor, I refuse to use the term Obamacare. Instead, I say, "Obama Cares". He cared enough to do as Brenna always told me to do, take the tough path when that is the right thing to do. He cared enough to try to make a difference in health care for the vulnerable.

Being accepted for a health insurance plan when she was uninsurable any other way would have made a difference for her. The Plan allows patients to obtain health care insurance when they have a pre-existing condition. Why does anyone not like this part of the bill? No more being turned down by insurance companies. It didn't take affect in time for her.

The plan provides supplemental health care insurance for the disabled under the age of 65 in all states. Twenty-seven states provide this already. Idaho was not one of them. Had this been available for Brenna, we would have had a policy for her. I would have sold anything to provide the insurance for her. Why are people against this provision of the plan?

People are horrified when they hear Brenna's story yet they still complain about a plan few have ever read. A plan that brings good health care to the most vulnerable in the country. Why?

There is only one thing wrong with the health care plan. It doesn't go deep enough to force facilities to give the kind of care all patients deserve, the kind of care that keeps patients safe, the kind of care that doesn't expose them to repeated infections or medical errors.

But, the Plan is a start.

Christians ask, "What would Jesus do?" Well, I don't recall any time in the Bible where Jesus turned people away from his healing touch. Not one time did Jesus say, "You are too poor, too dirty, not good enough for my healing." He never said, "Go and heal yourself." He never said, "Hey, buddy, it's up to you. You want healed, keep working at it."

I know what my Jesus would do. What about your Jesus?

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