Here is suggested terminology I have come up with to include in letters to the Congressional Brain Injury Task Force. Adjust it as you wish. These are just ideas you can use for letters to the task force. Others may have a better way of saying things but time is short if we are going to get their attention.
Please check my blog to see the names of the Congressional Brain Injury Task Force. If one of the members lives in your district, please write to them ASAP or people with brain injuries like our family members' will be excluded for another 3-4 years. If you don't live in one of their districts and you know someone who does, write the Committee anyway and then please pass this message to others. Thank you. Pam
New verbage: Using multiple medical and government sources.
An acquired brain injury (ABI) is any injury to the brain that occurs after birth that prevents the normal function of the brain. Traumatic brain injuries and non-traumatic brain injuries are acquired brain injuries.
Acquired Brain Injury
—Traumatic Brain Injury
—Non-Traumatic Brain Injury
—Hypoxic and Anoxic Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an insult to the brain from an external mechanical force, possibly leading to permanent or temporary impairment of cognitive, physical, and psychosocial functions, with an associated diminished or altered state of consciousness.
Non-traumatic brain injury may be caused by stroke, heart attack, near-drowning, brain tumors, infectious diseases, prolonged high temperature, decrease or loss of oxygen to the brain, metabolic disorders such as diabetic coma, and toxic exposure from substances such as lead, pesticides, drug and alcohol abuse.
Please scroll down for the list of members of the Congressional Brain Injury Task Force.
Thank you so much. The brain you save may be your own.
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