Playing Dress Up

Playing Dress Up
Brenna wearing Mama's hat.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Christ is Risen- Just another holiday???

Today was another holiday but to me, it is just  another day without my Beloved Brenna. A day that I could not share with her. I stood in line at a restaurant, waiting to get in to eat. As I watched smiling families arriving, so  happy to be together, my heart tumbled to the floor. The line crept forward as I headed out the door. You see, I just couldn't be there without Brenna. She meant the world to me and eating alone where families are, is just not meant to be, not for me.

Who says Easter should be a commercialized holiday?  The world has forgotten why we celebrate Easter. Easter isn't about bunnies, chickens, and baskets of eggs. Easter isn't about more presents for just another holiday.

This is the day of remembrance, the day when we remember that Jesus not only died for our sins on a cruel cross, this is the day of prophecy fullfilled. The stone was rolled away. JESUS rose from the dead. Just as he said he would.

As I walked into church this morning, having had to park a block away, I couldn't help but wonder about those who only come to church twice a year. What is the conversation at home? How do you tell children who haven't been to church since Christmas why it is important to go on Easter? And why it won't be important again until Christmas comes again?

I cling to the promise that as Jesus rose again, so shall I. I know that as my Redeemer lives, that someday I will sit at his feet. I shall look upon His face. And once again, I will hold my daughter's hand and together we will worship the King for all eternity.

I am attaching a poem I wrote for the Christmas holidays. I feel that though it talks about Christmas, the sentiment stands for all these other holidays, too.

Holiday Grief
Pam Dowd,
© 2011

I don’t want to rock around the Christmas tree.
I don’t want to go to holiday tea.
Invite me to dinner but let it ride
Let me think and then decide.

I may not want you to see
Tears of grief that flow from me.
If you see a tear in my eye,
Please don’t tell me not to cry

I don’t want to wear a happy face,
While my heart grieves for that empty place,
My weary heart is broken
And no words spoken

Can heal the cracks within my heart
A place where love was, my child, my heart.
I may not come to hear the choir
Or sit beside a glowing fire.

I may choose to spend the day alone,
But that is my choice, my time at home.
Please don’t tell me what I need.
You made the invitation, planted the seed.

Please don’t be upset
And please don’t fret.
Grief is a season that all must feel.
My heart is broken, but my God is real.

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