Playing Dress Up

Playing Dress Up
Brenna wearing Mama's hat.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Brenna's Blankets-January Event

Brenna's Hope Foundation--Brenna's Blankets
January focus in Brenna's honor

Brenna had a big heart for the local rescue mission and women's shelter.

In Brenna's honor, please blanket your local missions and shelters during the month of January.

The after Christmas sales are a good time to look for bargains on blankets. Microfiber is a good choice as they wash up well, wear well, and most important, keep the body heat in better than other choices.

After Brenna's last Christmas before her brain injury, she began shopping for blankets. She said, "Mom, the giving focus is always at Christmas time and people forget that the homeless get cold after Christmas too."

Last year, in Brenna's honor, the Boise Rescue Mission and the women's shelter received 29 blankets.

Brenna taught me more about caring for others than I ever taught her.

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