Playing Dress Up

Playing Dress Up
Brenna wearing Mama's hat.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Long Ago--Hawaii Five 0

I remember a show from the old Hawaii Five O series where a man was in a coma. Another man claiming to be his brother came to the hospital to sit with him. Jack Lord observed the two and noticed that nothing was happening with the man in the coma. Here is what I remember so clearly. Jack Lord said that the patient wouldn't respond because this "brother" wasn't really a brother but a stranger trying to get information on a crime. I have never forgotten that. Even all those years ago, whoever researched that scene had found somewhere that familiar voices made the difference.

Why have we forgotten that? Or did we ever know? Why don't the professionals, those who SHOULD know, not tell us?

Families and friends DO make a difference in brain injury recovery. I believe that connection is more critical than all the professionals have to offer. Their time is limited and billable. Friends and family are connected with love.

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