Playing Dress Up

Playing Dress Up
Brenna wearing Mama's hat.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

My Father, My Hero

Happy Father’s Day to my Dad, my hero. Dad proudly served in the military, first in the US Army, then transitioned into the Army-Air Corp, and finally retired from the US Air Force. During times when he was not serving in the military, he became a minister. I applaud my father for his military service. However, I am more proud of a stand he took in the summer of 1951, while serving in a small country church in Tennessee. Those were the days of segregation. Dad was a son of the Deep South. Dad decided that for one service, he would integrate the church. He took me with him to the black Baptist church down the road when he invited them to come to our church and sing.

When word got out of Dad’s intentions, the sheriff warned Dad it could be dangerous. In those days, people did not mix races, not even in the house of God. I remember that hot summer night. The church was packed. People from all around hung their heads in the windows of the church, seeing for the first time in their lives, a black choir singing in a white church. That made my Daddy a hero to his little girl. So, Happy Father’s Day, Dad. You will always be my hero.
Dad, on this, Brenna's first Father's Day in Heaven, tell my little girl how much her mommie loves her so.

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